Monday, May 6, 2013

The Ability to Access

One of Walmart's biggest powers is their ability to be able to connect producers and consumers with efficiency around the world. They are able to sell practically anything anywhere because Walmarts are located all over the globe. Unlike other superstores such as Target, Walmart is a global store and it is the reason why it is so easy for them to be able to sell products world-wide. Because of how huge Walmart is, they are able to get items to places quickly and efficiently. As Walmart grew, they began to change how goods are shipped, produced, and packaging into more efficient and effective ways. Walmart's ability to access helps connect the everything globally because of their ability to establish their self around the world.

Walmart definitely holds a lot of power over other businesses. You might even say Walmart is............


Works Cited:
"10 Ways Walmart Changed the World." Business Money 10 Ways Walmart Changed the World Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2013.

Klein, Ezra. "Has Wal-mart Been Good or Bad." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 24 Nov. 2012. Web. 08 May 2013.

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