Monday, May 6, 2013

America and Overconsumption

Walmart grew, not only by selling stuff for a lower price than the other stores, but by getting people to purchase more stuff than they needed. The cheap prices and the huge, overwhelming selection of items at Walmart is very powerful when trying to get consumers to purchase more because now they don't have to think as hard about whether to buy the movie or the video game. The result of everything becoming so cheap has lead to America becoming a culture of disposability. Now that we can purchase items so cheaply, like clothes and shoes, we just throw the item out instead of fixing it when is breaks, rips, or tears because the item was so cheap in the first place it wasn't worth repairing.

Now relax and enjoy the video:

Works Cited:
"10 Ways Walmart Changed the World." Business Money 10 Ways Walmart Changed the World Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2013.

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