Monday, May 6, 2013

Walmart: The Musical?

Walmart became so big and scary, a musical was made about the effect Walmart has and could eventually have on our world. The political satire, "Walmartopia" premiered in Madison Wisconsin. "Walmartopia" was composed by Andrew Rohn and written by Catherine Capellaro. This was a full-fledged off-Broadway production of a single mom named Vicki Latrell and her young daughter who, after standing up to Vicki's corporate employer, find themselves left in a future where Walmart runs the world. This musical originated from the term "Wal-mart mom", who is "someone with a middle to low income and a low education level who feels politically conservtive and economically insecure."

Checkout the musical's website:
checkout this youtube link to watch the Walmartopia trailer!

Works Cited:
"The Wal-Mart Effect: Poison or Antidote for Local Communities? - Fedgazette - Publications & Papers | The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis." The Wal-Mart Effect: Poison or Antidote for Local Communities? - Fedgazette - Publications & Papers | The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2013.

"WALMARTOPIA." WALMARTOPIA. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2013.

Retail Link

The founder, Sam Walton, and chief lieutenant, David Gloss, began in 1985, developing Retail Link. It took them years to perfect as well as $4 billion, but it was worth it. What Retail Link is is data that is imbedded in the barcodes that pass through the checkout counters that delivers information on costumer behavior. Random Fact: Because of Retail Link, Walmart knows that the number one selling item before a hurricane is beer and that strawberry pop-tarts increase seven times in sales before a hurricane. This program is helpful for Walmart, because it helps them to know what items they need more of during a certain time and helps them stock their inventory. But what was even more important about this program was that it gave Walmart the power to gain control over their suppliers and partner with them. They could do this because Walmart's Retail Link worked so well that their rivals tried to emulate the program, but they did it unsuccessfully, which in returned gave Walmart the power to be able to sell or not sell Retail Link to them, which is another reason why Walmart is so powerful and successful and has so much control over everyone.

Checkout more about Retail Link at:

Works Cited:
"10 Ways Walmart Changed the World." Business Money 10 Ways Walmart Changed the World Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2013.

"What Wal-Mart Knows About Customers' Habits." What Wal-Mart Knows About Customers' Habits. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2013.

Taxpayers Costs

Walmarts not only destroy local business and jobs, but they cost taxpayers even more money. Thousands of people who work for Walmart qualify for Medicaid and tax payers are paying the bill. Walmarts cost tax payers about $420,750 per store, per year in low-income housing, health care costs, energy assistance, and free or reduced lunches for Walmart employees and their families because of Walmart's low wages. Walmart is also not the best in being able to pay their own taxes. For example, in 2008, Walmart avoided paying $245 million in taxes by paying rent to itself then deducting it from their taxable income. They also admitted failure to pay $2.95 billion in taxes in 2009.

Just check out this ad about the effects of Walmart:

Works Cited:
"Walmart’s Impact on America’s Economy, Environment, and Communities." Local 881 UFCW. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2013.

"New Study: Wal-Mart Means Fewer Jobs, Less Small Businesses, More Burden on Taxpayers." NYC Public Advocate. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2013.

Hurting Local Business

Local stores have an increased risk of going out of business when located near a new Walmart. As soon as a Walmart is established in a city or a town, small businesses cannot afford to stay open, causing many local stores to have to shut down, meaning fewer jobs. By March 2008, 82 out of 306 small businesses went out of business after the opening of one Walmart in September 2006. Walmart is a huge job killer. They kill three local jobs for every two jobs they creat at their store openings, which in effect, reduces retail employment in every county they enter by 2.7%. Local businesses are much better for our cities and towns because they keep more consumer dollars in our local economy whereas Walmart sends most of theirs out. For every $100 spent in locally owned businesses, $68 stayed in the local economy. But for every $100 spent at Wal-mart, only $43 was left to re-circulate locally.

Works Cited:
"New Study: Wal-Mart Means Fewer Jobs, Less Small Businesses, More Burden on Taxpayers." NYC Public Advocate. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2013.

"The Wal-Mart Effect: Poison or Antidote for Local Communities? - Fedgazette - Publications & Papers | The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis." The Wal-Mart Effect: Poison or Antidote for Local Communities? - Fedgazette - Publications & Papers | The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2013.

The Wal-Mart Effect

When Walmart enters a new city or town, something called the Walmart effect starts to occur. A new Walmart will cause local businesses to close, destroys jobs, thus creating fewer jobs for people. Walmart drives down wages for workers at competing local business and increases taxpayers costs. It causes the middle class to drecrease as well as increases pollution. In Maine, during the year 2001, retailers sales of apparel dropped by 28%, hardware dropped 20%, and specialty store sales dropped 17%. This occured just within a few years of Walmart entering their various communties. Another terrible effect of Walmart is their various abandoned stores. Most of Walmart's stores are almost two times the size of the average discount store. This makes these unoccupied stores too large for new store owners to be able to afford and occupy. Walmart is so powerful, it has the ability to destroy a whole community with just one store.

Here is a link to the book "The Wal-Mart Effect" by Charles Fishman:

Works Cited:
"Walmart’s Impact on America’s Economy, Environment, and Communities." Local 881 UFCW. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2013.

"New Study: Wal-Mart Means Fewer Jobs, Less Small Businesses, More Burden on Taxpayers." NYC Public Advocate. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2013.

"The Wal-Mart Effect:." Google Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2013.

Kurtzleben, Danielle. "Walmart Struggles to Overcome Environmental Criticism." US News. U.S.News & World Report, 20 Apr. 2012. Web. 08 May 2013.

The Ability to Access

One of Walmart's biggest powers is their ability to be able to connect producers and consumers with efficiency around the world. They are able to sell practically anything anywhere because Walmarts are located all over the globe. Unlike other superstores such as Target, Walmart is a global store and it is the reason why it is so easy for them to be able to sell products world-wide. Because of how huge Walmart is, they are able to get items to places quickly and efficiently. As Walmart grew, they began to change how goods are shipped, produced, and packaging into more efficient and effective ways. Walmart's ability to access helps connect the everything globally because of their ability to establish their self around the world.

Walmart definitely holds a lot of power over other businesses. You might even say Walmart is............


Works Cited:
"10 Ways Walmart Changed the World." Business Money 10 Ways Walmart Changed the World Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2013.

Klein, Ezra. "Has Wal-mart Been Good or Bad." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 24 Nov. 2012. Web. 08 May 2013.

Environmental Practices

Even with Walmarts attempts to help the environment, they still aren't doing enough for the environment. Each year, Wal-mart emmits millions of tons of carbon dioxide. Since 2005, Walmart's greenhouse gas footprint has grown 13.8%. A Walmart supercenter, in one day, will use the same amount of energy as 1,095 U.S. homes. Walmart promotes industrial farming.They also build huge warehouse sized stores that take up huge amounts of land and by selling low quality goods, they encourage waste. The placement of stores outside of the cities require consumers to drive further to get to them, causing mroe gas consumption. Walmart's rapid expansion of their Supercenters and their Sam's Clubs has left hundreds of stores throughout the U.S. unoccupied. Walmart was fined between 2003-2005 $5 million because of the pollution of Connecticut streams and improperly stored pesticides and other pollutants, as well as violating the clean water act in nine states and keeping the Florida state inspectors from monitoring Walmart's fuel tanks.

Watch this video about what Walmart is really doing to the environment:

Works Cited:
"Walmart’s Impact on America’s Economy, Environment, and Communities." Local 881 UFCW. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2013.

Kurtzleben, Danielle. "Walmart Struggles to Overcome Environmental Criticism." US News. U.S.News & World Report, 20 Apr. 2012. Web. 08 May 2013.